

Nov 30, 2020 |
  In the G20 Riyadh Summit Leaders’ Declaration, the G20 Leaders have stated the following “We also endorse the G20 High-level Policy Guidelines on Digital Financial Inclusion for Youth, Women, and SMEs prepared by the Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion (GPFI). We welcome the 2020 G20 Financial Inclusion Action Plan, which will guide the work of the GPFI for the next three years.”
Nov 20, 2020 |
Learn more about the G20 National Remittance Plans.
Oct 20, 2020 |
In addition, GPFI members were provided with an overview of the G20 Financial Inclusion Action Plan Progress Report 2017-2020; the finalized 2020 Financial Inclusion Action Plan (FIAP), which reflects the future work of the GPFI for the next three years; and the 2020 Terms of Reference (ToR), which is the last milestone that marks the completion of GPFI’s work program and structure on streamlining “A Roadmap to 2020” that was mandated by leaders in 2018.  
Oct 20, 2020 |
The GPFI will be responsive to new global issues as they arise, adequately frame the Partnership’s work to reflect current circumstances and address the crisis impact and the post-crisis economic effects. The GPFI reaffirms the G20 Leaders’ commitment to advance financial inclusion benefiting all countries and all people, including vulnerable (such as elderly people, migrants and forcibly displaced persons) and underserved groups (including the poor, women, youth, and people living in remote rural areas).
Oct 20, 2020 |
Click here to download the document.
Oct 20, 2020 |
Click here to download the report. 
Sep 16, 2020 |
The Report on Unlocking Finance for Youth Entrepreneurs: Evidence from a Global Stocktaking prepared for the G20 GPFI by the World Bank Group/IFC and the SME Finance Forum presents good examples from various countries and points to how good practices can be encouraged through enabling policy environments. Click here to download the report.
Jul 19, 2020 |
Digital financial services have expanded opportunities for millions of women across the globe. More than 240 million more women now have an account with a financial institution or mobile money service, compared to 2014. Through this increased engagement in the formal economy, women’s resilience to financial, economic and health shocks is improving.  However, there remains much work to do to achieve gender equality in financial services. Approximately one billion women do not have formal financial services, due to persistent barriers in access to identification documents, mobile phones, digital skills, financial capability, as well as inappropriate products and more. Endorsed by G20 finance ministers, the report outlines 10 policy options to enable G20 members and other governments to rapidly work towards digital financial inclusion of all women. These will not only drive women’s greater economic participation but will also speed up economic recovery. Click here to download the report.   Video 1:
Jul 19, 2020 |
Access to finance is a critical barrier for SMEs to start, sustain and grow their businesses.  About half of formal SMEs do not have access to formal credit, and instead rely on internal funds, or cash from friends and family, to launch and initially run their business.  An extensive survey of SMEs in 135 countries showed that access to finance was reported as the most serious obstacle to the current operations of businesses. In emerging markets, approximately 131 million or 41% of formal SMEs have unmet financing needs.  Creating opportunities for SMEs in emerging markets is a critical way to advance economic development and reduce poverty. The application of different technology innovations, digital financial services (DFS), or the provision of financial products and services through digital channels, has become an essential enabler to close the SME financing gap.  Technology innovations serve as the foundation for the development of new business models and digital financial products, which include digital loans and other credit products, as well as equity capital.
Jul 19, 2020 |
The focus on Youth reflects the fact that almost half of the world’s 1.2 billion young people aged between 15-24 remain unbanked.  The Report examines the factors that contribute to youth financial inclusion and the role of digital financial services in meeting young people’s financial needs, and explores opportunities and challenges relating to advancing youth digital financial inclusion.  It sets out a range of policy options for policy makers based on data, research and country approaches, to advance the appropriate and safe digital financial inclusion of young people, including ensuring appropriate financial consumer protection and financial education.  These policy options form part of the basis for the G20 High Level Policy Guidelines on Digital Financial Inclusion for Youth, Women, and SMEs.  Advancing the Digital Financial Inclusion of Youth reflects inputs and guidance from GPFI member countries, Implementing Partners, Affiliated Partners and other key stakeholders, particularly members of the G20/OECD Task Force on Financial Consumer Protection, FinCoNet, the OECD/International Network on Financial Education, the Arab Monetary Fund and the Alliance