On 4-5 October 2021, the Italian G20 Presidency hosted in the premises of the Bank of Italy in Rome the G20 GPFI High-Level International Symposium 'Coping with new (and old) vulnerabilities in the post-pandemic world'. The aim of the Symposium was to present to the international community the work carried out by the GPFI in 2021 and to hear from high-level academic and institutional experts on how to leverage on digitalization to leap forward in terms of financial inclusion, while limiting the risks of exclusion related to digitalization itself. Specialists shared their insights and knowledge on the impact of digital finance on financial inclusion of individuals and SMEs, including by gender, and the role that financial education and consumer protection can play in overcoming knowledge barriers, build trust and guide innovation towards more customer-oriented and responsible digital financial products. The 2-day Symposium was opened by Her Majesty Queen Maxima of the Netherlands, Honorary Patron of the GPFI, and hosted the introductory remarks of the Governor, Mr. Ignazio Visco, on the first day and of the Minister of Finance, Mr. Daniele Franco, on the second day.
High-level Symposium day-1 (4 October) and day-2 (5 October) can be viewed here and here respectively.