Jun 29, 2020 |
The G20 High-Level Policy Guidelines presented to members during the plenary identify supportive and effective policies that will be a valuable resource for governments, the private sector and the international development community, with the aim of reducing the gaps in financial inclusion for youth, women and SMEs through digital financial services. This work is guided by the Saudi G20 Presidency theme of “Realizing Opportunities of the 21st Century for All” and the aims of Empowering People and Shaping New Frontiers. The agenda from the plenary is available here.
Jun 29, 2020 |
As governments around the world have responded to the health, social and economic effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, digitalization has been recognized as being of paramount importance and relevance in ensuring continuity of access to financial services. The GPFI members issued a Statement on COVID-19 Response, reaffirming the G20 commitment under the G20 Action Plan in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Read the statement here.
May 18, 2020 |
Annual aggregate data is captured annually for only a minority of the world’s countries by the IMF, OECD and others. Little if any data is available at country level on financing for women entrepreneurs, young entrepreneurs or other key segments of interest to GPFI’s Financial Inclusion Action Plan. Data collected by the IFIs and DFIs is uncoordinated, inconsistent and usually incompatible with national SME definitions and reporting requirements to financial sector regulators. Despite recognition of the importance of data for sound policymaking in SME financing and financial inclusion in general, there is much room for improvement. The G20 countries could play an important role in spurring greater coordination and harmonization at both levels of data collection and dissemination.
Feb 6, 2020 |
The Plenary sessions focused on the Saudi priorities and deliverables, the approach to finalizing the activities under the “GPFI Work Program and Structure: A Roadmap to 2020”and discussed the 2020 Financial Inclusion Action Plan (FIAP).
Feb 6, 2020 |
Speakers from G20 members and non-G20 countries, International Organizations, NGOs, MDBs, as well as regional and international regulators, and private sector stakeholders came together in this event to share their insights and knowledge for the GPFI and the G20 Presidency. The overall objective of the Seminar was to review the opportunities and challenges of harnessing digital and innovative technologies to Advance Youth’s Digital Financial Inclusion, to Empower Women through Digital Financial Inclusion, and to Promote Digital and Innovative SME Financing.
Jan 21, 2020 |
Download the report here.
Jan 17, 2020 |
Visit the publications page for country updates toward national remittances targets.
Jan 16, 2020 |
Visit the publications page for more information and to download the paper.
Sep 20, 2019 |
The informal meeting of the GPFI under the Japanese presidency was held in Washington D.C. on October 21, 2019. The first session focused on structure streamlining, with discussions of the proposal among the Troika, the Structure Leads, and member countries. The second session was dedicated to Saudi Arabia’s priority issues under their presidency in 2020.