11/29/2021 - 7:06 am
Under the Italian G20 Presidency, the GPFI took stock of countries’ strategies to tackle the challenges and seize the opportunities for financial inclusion posed by the pandemic. In line with the objectives of the G20 2020 Financial Inclusion Action Plan, and building upon the far-reaching work done during past G20 Presidencies, GPFI implementing partners have produced six reports, which present the policy responses and innovative approaches that have proved effective in mitigating the impact of the crisis and could guide policymakers in designing the recovery phase with a view to the future:
- ‘The Impact of COVID-19 on Digital Financial Inclusion’ by the World Bank.
- ‘MSME Digital Finance: Resilience and Innovation during COVID-19’ by the International Finance Corporation and the SME Finance Forum;
- ‘Supporting Financial Resilience and Transformation through Digital Financial Literacy’ by the OECD;
- 'Navigating the Storm: MSMEs’ Financial and Digital Competences in Covid-19 Times' by the OECD;
- ‘Lessons Learnt and Effective Approaches to Protect Consumers and Support Financial Inclusion in the Context of COVID-19’ by the OECD;
- ‘Resilience in the market for international remittances during the Covid-19 crisis’ by IFAD and the World Bank.