

Sep 30, 2015 |
September 2015 - The Alliance for Financial Inclusion (AFI), an implementing partner of the G20 GPFI, has identified key indicators to monitor the financial inclusion of small businesses.Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are essential for economic growth because they account for over 95% of businesses worldwide and provide more than half of all jobs. Yet 200 million businesses worldwide don't have the financing necessary to invest and create new jobs. Policy makers and financial institutions working on accelerating SME finance are often impeded by a dearth of good data.Policies and interventions must be based on an informed assessment of how SMEs access and use financial services. The AFI indicators are intended to provide a comprehensive view of the state of financial inclusion for SMEs in a given country. They can help decision-makers formulate policy, set targets and monitor progress in SME finance.
Sep 17, 2015 |
GPFI Member Country representatives, Implementing Partners and Affiliated Partners had their last face-to-face Plenary meeting under the Turkish Presidency on 12 September 2015 in Antalya, following the GPFI Forum on 11 September. Attendees evaluated the year and talked about the GPFI’s key deliverables and deadlines for 2015. Chinese GPFI Co-Chair officials shared their main priorities with the participants, while each of the four GPFI Subgroups talked in breakout sessions about possible work in 2016 with the participation of IPs, APs and interested G20 member countries. Various G20 initiatives took place the week of 7 September 2015, culminating in the GPFI Forum.
Jul 27, 2015 |
Financial institutions, policy makers, investors, fin-tech companies, and regulators from 45 countries gathered recently in Izmir, Turkey, to look at innovative solutions for financing new enterprises at scale. The Turkish G20 Presidency and the Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion (GPFI) organized the two-day global workshop, Financing Entrepreneurship: Innovative Solutions, held on June 1-2, 2015. The event showcased new innovations and technology developments that are creating opportunities to accelerate small business formation and growth. About 165 attendees discussed cutting-edge practices and enabling environment reforms needed to overcome obstacles to successfully financing new enterprises at a significant scale. Following panel discussions, participants identified the most promising innovative solutions for increasing financing to small- and medium-enterprises (SMEs) in emerging markets. They are:
Jul 14, 2015 |
Updated work plans for the G20’s Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion and its four Subgroups are now available on The GPFI organizes its work through four Subgroups. The overall GPFI 2015 Work Plan highlights key outcomes for each Subgroup, and includes a chart of all Subgroup outputs and a timeline of GPFI events. Key outcomes for each Subgroup in 2015 include: Regulation and Standard-Setting Bodies Subgroup: Further mainstream the work of the SSBs and other relevant global bodies and increase understanding of the interdependence of financial inclusion, stability, integrity, and consumer protection. (Read the full Work Plan.)
Jun 1, 2015 |
The GPFI is hosting the SME Finance workshop in Izmir on June 1-2, looking both at successful business models and factors that encourage or discourage innovation. Opportunities and innovations surrounding the financing of new enterprises, particularly for young and women entrepreneurs, will also be a focus of the workshop. Bankers, investors and fintech companies, along with policymakers, are among those attending the two-day workshop, which will be followed by a meeting of the GPFI.
May 14, 2015 |
The G20 Turkish Presidency welcomed this year’s celebrations of Global Money Week (GMW), an annual series of events across 100-plus countries that support financial education, inclusion, and entrepreneurship for young people. The week of events every year aims to encourage tomorrow’s adults to combine their voices in support of financial inclusion and financial education, as well as to expand their knowledge and engagement with financial issues. The Turkish G20 Presidency this year identified financial inclusion for youth as a priority.  
Apr 27, 2015 |
A new report takes stock of progress on the G20’s 2010 Financial Inclusion Action Plan (FIAP), concluding that the Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion (GPFI) and G20 “made considerable progress” against the seven action items outlined in the plan. The GPFI now operates under a revised action plan – developed in 2014 under the Australian Presidency – that was deeply informed by progress on the first. The newly-released progress report deems three of the seven original action items complete. Every G20 member, for example, has committed to a concrete step toward implementing the G20 Principles for Innovative Financial Inclusion – one of the action items under the plan.
Feb 20, 2015 |
The Turkish G20 Presidency announced its priorities for financial inclusion and remittances in 2015 as well as key events for the upcoming year, in the Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion (GPFI) Turkish 2015 Priorities Paper released in January. Events Under the Turkish Presidency, several GPFI events are planned. In addition to a GPFI meeting on 3 June and the GPFI Forum and Plenary 10-11 September, two GPFI workshops will be organized. The first, on 1-2 June in Izmir, will be on finance and innovation for small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The workshop will highlight new financing tools, such as crowd investing and asset-based financing, and will also focus on youth and women entrepreneurship. The second workshop will be an outreach event for low-income developing countries (LIDCs) on the SME Finance Compact. It will be held on 9 September in Antalya preceding the final meeting of the G20 Development Working Group. Priorities
Deputy Prime Minister Ali Babacan announcing Turkey’s G20 Presidency Priorities at a press conference on 1 December 2014.
Dec 29, 2014 |
Turkey officially assumed the G20 presidency as of December 1, 2014 and announced its G20 Presidency Priorities for 2015. The three pillars of the 2015 agenda are:
Nov 18, 2014 |
G20 leaders committed to take “strong practical measures” to prioritize financial inclusion while also approving an updated Financial Inclusion Action Plan, at the G20 Leaders’ Summit held 15-16 November in Brisbane, Australia. In the G20 Leaders’ Communiqué from the summit, G20 leaders also committed to reduce the global average cost of transferring remittances to five percent.