Report | Sep 13, 2016
Remittances represent a major source of income for millions of families and businesses globally, and are an important pathway to financial inclusion. This report outlines G20 measures and progress to expand responsible financial inclusion and improve the transparency and consumer protection of remittance transfers.
Learn more about the G20 National Remittance Plans.
Report | Sep 13, 2016
This report summarizes GPFI activities from December 2015 to July 2016, presents the main achievements under the Chinese Presidency and describes the outlook for the rest of 2016 and into the start of the German Presidency. References to all relevant documentation produced by the different workstreams are provided at the end of this report.
Report | Sep 13, 2016
The Hangzhou Action Plan explicitly recognizes the critical importance of financial inclusion to empowering the lives of the poor. Based on the G20 High-level Principles for Digital Financial Inclusion, G20 Leaders commit to taking “concrete actions” recommended by the Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion (GPFI) to promote digital financial inclusion, and help low-income developing countries (LIDCs) to reach the “last mile” of excluded and underserved groups.
In addition, G20 Leaders welcomed “the first country self-assessment about to take place within the G20 Action Plan on SME Financing Implementation Framework”, and supported “the continued work of the GPFI to implement the G20 Financial Inclusion Action Plan (FIAP) and ask the GPFI to review the FIAP in 2017”.
The Hangzhou Action Plan sets out the strategy that will follow in order to foster robust and broader economic growth and generate the rewards that can be shared by all.
Report | Aug 17, 2016
Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) play a crucial role for employment, job creation, investment, innovation and economic growth around the world. By endorsing the G20 Action Plan on SME Financing in 2015, the G20 agreed, and encouraged non G20 countries to fully develop credit infrastructure for SMEs, improve SME financial capability through targeted learning and support interventions and enable competition through an enabling regulatory environment.
Report | Aug 17, 2016
The updated G20 Financial Inclusion Indicators measure access to digital infrastructure and the quality of regulations, drawing on data provided by the World Bank, IMF, OECD, and Gallup, Inc. These indicators, if considered in conjunction with additional country-specific information, will inform policymakers and enable comprehensive monitoring of financial inclusion developments, both at a national and at a global level.
Report | Aug 17, 2016
The 2016 G20 High-Level Principles for Digital Financial Inclusion build on the success of 2010's G20 Principles for Innovative Financial Inclusion by providing a basis for country action plans reflecting country context and national circumstances to leverage the huge potential offered by digital technologies.
Report | May 16, 2016
This is the 2016 Work Plan for the GPFI SME Finance Subgroup. Consistent with the theme of China’s G20 Presidency in 2016, “Towards the Innovative, Invigorated, Interconnected and Inclusive World Economy”, the GPFI SME Finance Subgroup will work on the implementation of the G20 Financial Inclusion Action Plan.
Report | May 16, 2016
This is the 2016 Work Plan of the GPFI Regulation and Standard-Setting Bodies (SSBs) Subgroup.
The 2016 Work Plan of the GPFI Regulation and SSBs Subgroup is organized around the Objectives (Activities) and Sub-objectives included in the Subgroup’s May 2014 Terms of Reference (see Appendix 1). It takes into consideration also the expected results under the GPFI Financial Inclusion Action Plan (FIAP) (see Appendix 2) and the related indicators in the results framework included in the Subgroup’s Terms of Reference (see Appendix 3). In addition, reference is made throughout to the numbered Recommendations from Part VI of second edition of the GPFI White Paper Global Standard-Setting Bodes and Financial Inclusion – The Evolving Landscape, released as a Consultation Document in November 2015 and expected to be released in its final version in the first days of March 2016.
Report | May 16, 2016
This is the 2016 Work Plan for the GPFI Markets and Payment Systems Subgroup.
The overall goal of the Subgroup is to advance utilisation of payment systems including remittances in the pursuit of increased and sustainable financial inclusion. The Subgroup will focus on emerging technologies and business models and will incorporate strong links to market based approaches through engagement with financial service providers. The Subgroup responds to the call in the G20’s St. Petersburg Development Outlook for the GPFI to explore in 2014 “targeted actions to harness emerging mechanisms such as electronic payments and mobile technology that can significantly improve access”.
Report | May 16, 2016
This is the 2016 Work Plan for the GPFI Financial Consumer Protection and Financial Literacy Subgroup.
The objective of the FCPFL Subgroup for the next five years is to build the capacity of developing and emerging economies to implement audience-appropriate, evidence-based financial consumer protection and financial literacy programs. Additionally, the Subgroup will identify best practices, emanating from the public, private, and NGO sectors, in consumer protection and financial education policies that support use of digital financial products and services. The Subgroup will continue its efforts, consistent with the G20’s 2013 St. Petersburg Development Outlook, to increase incentives, financial education, financial literacy, and consumer protection for the poor, with emphasis on vulnerable groups such as women, youth, and migrants.