Report | Nov 28, 2016
The Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion (GPFI) invites public comments on the GPFI White Paper, Global Standard-Setting Bodies and Financial Inclusion: The Evolving Landscape, released at the end of the G20 Summit in Antalya as a Consultation Document.Comments on the Consultation Document may be submitted until 15h00 GMT 29 January 2016 to Ms. Myra Valenzuela at, using the attached comment template. Please note that public comments will not be accepted if received after the deadline or in another format.Following the consultation period, the final version of the White Paper will be prepared for publication in March 2016, under the Chinese G20 Presidency.
Report | Nov 28, 2016
The Leaders of the G20 agreed to the attached G20 Leaders' Communiqué after meeting in Antalya, Turkey on 15-16 November 2015. In the document, Leaders welcome the continued work on financial inclusion of the Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion (GPFI).
Report | Nov 17, 2015
The Global SME Finance Forum 2015 is proud and honored to welcome the presence of Her Majesty Queen Máxima of the Netherlands and His Excellency Cevdet Yılmaz, Deputy Prime Minister, Republic of Turkey.
Report | Nov 17, 2015
This inaugural Global SME Finance Forum focuses on partnerships as critical component to accelerating the growth of SMEs, especially in emerging markets. Please see attached agenda for more.
Report | Oct 15, 2015
The main target audience of this evaluation report on the G20 SME Finance Challenge is the G20 countries, donors interested in SME finance and the institutions engaged in the Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion (GPFI). The report seeks to help make informed decisions about whether and how similar challenge programs should be created and executed in the future.
Report | Sep 11, 2015
The GPFI Forum and Plenary is scheduled to be held 11-12 September, 2015, in Antalya, Turkey.Day one will be an open forum for G20 and non-G20 countries, GPFI implementing partners and other stakeholders. The focus of the Forum will be on private sector engagement. The Plenary meeting, for GPFI members and implementing partners only, will take place the second day. The group will discuss the work of the GPFI Subgroups and propose priorities for the GPFI in 2016.
Report | Sep 10, 2015
The Global Ye! launch is a youth entrepreneurship summit that will take place on 10 September 2015 in Antalya, Turkey. The event will be hosted by the Turkish Presidency and is part of the various G20 initiatives taking place that week culminating in the GPFI Forum. The event focuses on youth enterprise and innovation worldwide. High-level representatives from the private and public sector as well as some young entrepreneurs from Ye! Community will speak on the topic of youth entrepreneurship. The goal of the event is to officially announce the global launch of the Ye! platform, which aims to be the largest online community of young entrepreneurs.
Report | Sep 10, 2015
The G20 Turkish Presidency is hosting this event to provide an opportunity for G20 and interested nonG20 countries to share knowledge and discuss their national SME finance strategies. The workshop will highlight progress made by countries in line with the SME Finance Compact, invite governments to make new commitments in this regard and provide recommenda ons to the G20 for scaling up country-level efforts. The event is taking place in Antalya, Turkey on September 10th, ahead of the G-20 GPFI Forum and Plenary.
Report | Nov 28, 2016
The first G20 Round Table on Innovations in Agricultural Finance, an international invitation-only gathering, will take place in Antalya, Turkey on 9 September 2015 ahead of the G20 GPFI Forum and Plenary. The G20 Round Table on Innovations in Agricultural Finance is trying to uncover new ways to finance the agricultural sector in developing countries. After a panel of high level policy makers and private sector representatives from G20 and non-G20 countries sets the stage, the following innovative approaches in agricultural finance will be discussed: Agricultural Insurance; Value Chain Finance; Digital Technology, Financial Services, and Smallholder Farmers; Financing for Women in the Agricultural Sector; and Understanding Smallholder Demand, Driving Innovation.
Report | Nov 28, 2016
This is the 2015 Work Plan for the GPFI Market and Payment Systems Subgroup. The overall goal of the Subgroup is to advance utilization of payment systems, including remittances, in the pursuit of increased and sustainable financial inclusion.