Report | Nov 28, 2016
The Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion 2015 Work Plan presents the key outcomes for the GPFI during 2015. It includes a timeline of GPFI events as well. The GPFI organizes its work through four Subgroups. You can find their individual Work Plans below:Regulation and Standard Setting Bodies (SSBs) SubgroupSME Finance SubgroupFinancial Consumer Protection and Financial Literacy SubgroupMarket and Payment Systems Subgroup
Report | Oct 8, 2017
This is the 2015 Work Plan for the GPFI Financial Consumer Protection and Financial Literacy Subgroup. The Subgroup takes forward G20 Leaders commitments on financial literacy and financial consumer protection. It supports and complements work of the existing Subgroups on activities specifically related to consumer protection and financial literacy in their work programs. It also takes steps to reinforce integration of perspectives and experience from developing countries into global discussions and guidance on financial consumer protection and financial literacy.
Report | Oct 8, 2017
This is the 2015 Work Plan for the GPFI SME Finance Subgroup. The Subgroup focuses on identifying, scaling up, and improving the policy environment for successful models of SME financing, funding the winners of the SME Finance Challenge and launching an SME Finance Forum, a platform for knowledge sharing and dissemination of best practices. The Subgroup devotes special attention to three focal areas: improving SME access to finance in the poorest countries, improving access to finance for agricultural SMEs, and promoting access to finance for women entrepreneurs.
Report | Oct 8, 2017
This is the Work Plan for the Subgroup on Regulation and Standard-Setting Bodies (SSBs). This GPFI Subgroup supports the implementation and promotion of the G20 Principles for Innovative Financial Inclusion into practice through providing information on the Principles and supporting various implementation activities.
Report | May 13, 2015
This annual report provides a glimpse of the progress made by the SME Finance Forum in 2014. The G20 created the SME Finance Forum in 2012 to accelerate financing for small and medium enterprises (SMEs). Since its inception, the SME Finance Forum has worked in three main areas: knowledge-sharing, convening, and policy change.
Report | Feb 14, 2017
The G20 Financial Inclusion Action Plan (FIAP) Progress Report 2010-2014 takes stock of achievements and the progress of the GPFI over the past five years in meeting the original objectives of the FIAP and additional commitments made by G20 Leaders since 2010. It also provides a full list of documents produced by the GPFI.
Report | Feb 18, 2015
This document highlights the priorities of Turkey’s G20 Presidency on financial inclusion and remittances for 2015. The focus is on implementing the Financial Inclusion Action Plan approved by G20 leaders at the Brisbane Summit in 2014. The Priorities Paper also includes several key events for the GPFI in the coming year. Read the full paper for more.
Report | Nov 28, 2017
The Group of Twenty (G20) recognizes the value of remittance flows in helping to drive strong, sustainable and balanced growth. In September 2014, G20 leaders agreed to a plan to facilitate remittance flows including: working to reduce the global average cost of transferring remittances to five percent; supporting country-led actions to address the cost, and improve the availability of remittance services, particularly for poor people; and using remittance flows to drive financial inclusion and development. Learn more about the G20 National Remittance Plans.
Report | Nov 17, 2014
This report, compiled and published by the SME Finance Forum on behalf of the G20 Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion SME Subgroup, features case studies on promoting growth for small and medium enterprises (SMEs). The case studies codify a range of real-life examples of policy interventions and regulatory changes that promote SME growth through improved access to finance.
Report | Mar 16, 2017
This Issues Paper framed the subject matter in the opening session of, and throughout, the 2nd GPFI Conference on Standard-Setting Bodies and Financial Inclusion: Standard Setting in the Changing Landscape of Digital Financial Inclusion. The event, hosted by the Financial Stability Institute from 30-31 October in Basel, explored both the potential benefits and potential risks to financially excluded and underserved populations flowing from digital financial inclusion.Six global standard-setting bodies (SSBs), as well as the GPFI who are engaged in work relevant to digital financial inclusion, participated. Both the full Issues Paper and a summary of key points are available for download.