G20 Hangzhou Action Plan 2016

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The Hangzhou Action Plan explicitly recognizes the critical importance of financial inclusion to empowering the lives of the poor. Based on the G20 High-level Principles for Digital Financial Inclusion, G20 Leaders commit to taking “concrete actions” recommended by the Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion (GPFI) to promote digital financial inclusion, and help low-income developing countries (LIDCs) to reach the “last mile” of excluded and underserved groups.

In addition, G20 Leaders welcomed “the first country self-assessment about to take place within the G20 Action Plan on SME Financing Implementation Framework”, and supported “the continued work of the GPFI to implement the G20 Financial Inclusion Action Plan (FIAP) and ask the GPFI to review the FIAP in 2017”. 

The Hangzhou Action Plan sets out the strategy that will follow in order to foster robust and broader economic growth and generate the rewards that can be shared by all.