The third OECD/GFLEC Global Policy Research Symposium to Advance Financial Literacy will be held 7 May 2015 in Paris.
There are currently no upcoming events.
There are currently no upcoming events.
The third OECD/GFLEC Global Policy Research Symposium to Advance Financial Literacy will be held 7 May 2015 in Paris.
The second meeting of the G20 Development Working Group (DWG) under the Turkish G20 Presidency will be held on 9-10 April 2015 in Ankara, Turkey.
The CYFI Global Money Week Launch/Celebration will be held 17 March 2015 in Istanbul.
The Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors Meeting will be held 9-10 February 2015 in Istanbul, Turkey.
The Finance and Central Bank Deputies Meeting will take place 8-9 February 2015 in Istanbul, Turkey.
The first meeting of the Development Working Group under the Turkish Presidency will be held 2-3 February 2015 in Istanbul, Turkey.