The Global Partnership for Financial Inclusion 2017 Work Plan presents the key outcomes for the GPFI during 2017. Consistent with the theme of Germany's G20 Presidency in 2017, "Shaping an interconnected world", the GPFI will continue to work in 2017 towards further strengthening the functioning of the GPFI and will pursue the implementation of the 2014 G20 FIAP and subsequent 2017 revised G20 FIAP.
In this transition year between the 2014 G20 FIAP and the revised G20 FIAP to be endorsed in May 2017, this 2017 Work Plan is framed in relation to the 2014 G20 FIAP; this approach provides the basis for launching the work of the GPFI to be accomplished this year. It includes a timeline of GPFI events as well.
This document presents the key outcomes for the GPFI during 2017. The GPFI currently organizes its work through four subgroups: Regulation and Standard-Setting Bodies (SSBs); Small and Medium- Enterprises (SME) Finance; Financial Consumer Protection and Financial Literacy; and Markets and Payment Systems. You can find their individual Work Plans below:
Regulation and Standard Setting Bodies (SSBs) Subgroup
Financial Consumer Protection and Financial Literacy Subgroup