This is the 2017 Work Plan for the GPFI SME Finance Subgroup.
Consistent with the theme of Germany's G20 Presidency in 2017, "Shaping an interconnected world", the GPFI SME Finance Subgroup will work on the implementation of the following priorities in 2017:
- Review and update of the G20 Financial Inclusion Action Plan;
- Roll out of the G20 Implementation Framework on SME financing;
- Financial Services for SMEs in Sustainable Global Value Chains;
- Climate smart financing for rural MSMEs - enabling policy frameworks;
- Implementation of the High Level Principles for Digital Financial Inclusion: Alternative Data and SME Finance; and
- Data Harmonisation.
The Subgroup will also continue to work on its continued working agenda under the former Presidencies’ specifically on the following themes:
- innovation - new instruments and the potential of digital solutions, also taking into account the risks of digitization;
- women’s economic empowerment;
- financial inclusion of youth/ young entrepreneurship;
- data and indicators against the agreed SME finance indicators;
- engagement with the private sector;
- agricultural finance; and
- outreach and promotion.
Further, the Subgroup will strengthen the collaboration with other G20 workstreams to support the overall effort to avoid duplication and to enhance efficiency and effectiveness.
Moreover, the Subgroup is going to ensure an effective dialogue with the G20 outreach groups such as B20, W20, T20, Y20, L20 and C20, by taking into consideration their important role to inform the GPFI on the views of various stakeholders and hence enrich and deepen our discussions.
The Subgroup will continue to inform the various stakeholders including interested non-G20 countries and invite them to the meetings and workshops organized in 2017.