Note: The Subgroup has completed its mandate and is no longer operational.
Subgroup Co-Chairs: Australia, Mexico, South Africa
This Subgroup engages the different GPFI stakeholders with the goal of forming a general consensus on data and measurement issues, which include common definitions of the components of financial inclusion and consistent methodologies to inform, measure, and set targets. The Subgroup also facilitates actions to support countries to implement data initiatives and set their own targets.
The G20 recognizes data and measurement as an essential foundation from which to move its initiative forward in improving financial inclusion at a global level. As the importance of financial inclusion has gained momentum, so has interest in better data at both the global and national level with the existence of multiple data sources that can be leveraged. A number of international data initiatives are compiling financial inclusion related data while a handful of countries have also developed high quality statistics at the national level. However, more progress can and must be made, notably in increasing the availability and quality of data, harmonizing definitions and approaches for data collection, expanding the scope of collection to include all dimensions of inclusion, resolving aggregation challenges, and ensuring better comparability of data.
The overall goal of the Subgroup is to improve the quantity and quality of measurement and data on financial inclusion. The activities of the group focus on consolidating and harmonizing data gathering activities, developing a common understanding on the measurement framework and methodology and determining the key top line indicators to track at the country and global level, supporting the development of new indicators, and supporting countries' national data collection and target setting activities.
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